sexta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2009


«Many of you have been Lightworkers a long time. But so many are still waiting to find out what you're supposed to do. You are not concerned about a task, but rather you're waiting and waiting to find out who you are, and what you are here for. This is much different, since it has nothing to do with something you were told in a vision, but what you feel at the Akashic level.

What are you here for? When will you know?

You've got this spark of awareness, and you know about the divine. You know about what's in your DNA, and you're starting to discover it all and you feel there's something more. You don't know what it is, but someday it will be there, you say. Someday I'll know what I'm here for, you say.

It's a rusty, linear track you're on, since you have been saying this and feeling this for a very long time. It always yells the same thing to you in linearity. You're not there yet, it says to you. Time is not on your side, it says to you. Sometimes it says, It passed you and you didn't see it! Then you begin to worry and become sad.

I wish to give you the truth and I want you to open your heart. (...) Listen, Lightworker, all your life you've been expecting what is next. You are waiting to find out where you are going, and what you are supposed to do.

Let me tell you this: Blessed is the Human Being who is aware, for the awareness of consciousness itself is what you're doing for the planet. That is the task at hand. Stay aware. Keep the light going. Walk from place to place in families, and in work. Keep the awareness. That is the decision point because the awareness changes the grid.

It's not what you're going to do, it's what you're thinking about every day. In a quantum way, there is no clock. Can you sustain this energy until the day you die? If you can, every single one of you holding that light right now will know that's why you're here. Don't look ahead to something else, because you're currently doing what you came for in a quantum state. Every single one of you who is aware is doing it!

This is it. You're here to be aware! If you are aware of the divine inside, then you fulfilled the task perfectly. Perfectly! Walk from this place satisfied in what you're doing for the planet. Stay aware. Don't give up! Become quantum [satisfied in the now].

If everything including your spiritual work is put on a timeline, you're going to fail, because the things that the clock will bring you are not the things that the heart will bring you. The heart [compassion] is quantum. Learn to live without the future. This breaks a linear mindset that says accomplishment is the measure of success. In a linear time consciousness, it is; but in a quantum consciousness, it is instead a measure of your peace and your joy at just "being." Is this you?»


adaptado de Becoming Quantum, canalização de Lee Carroll, Junho 2009


quarta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2009

The frustration with time - your most powerful bias

«Dear Human Being, how many of you have had messages that are life changing? Perhaps you go into a meditative state, perhaps it's in a dream, an idea, perhaps even an instruction? Maybe you had a visualization?

It might appear like this: Here's what you're to do. Here's the book you're going to write. Here is what your future is going to be like. Here is the healing modality you are going to teach. Here are the instructions that you are going to meet someone. You're going to do something.

You are excited about it, are you not? Then what do you do? You proceed to implement it.

Oh, how linear of you! Is that the message you got? In a quantum state, did God tell you come on back and do it now? The answer is no. Yet you think that because your clock goes in one direction, you come back onto the linear treadmill of time and you begin to implement what you're told. That's a big mistake, but you don't know it.

Let's just show what happens next. Most of the time, whatever it is that you were shown... fails. Disappointment prevails: I'm supposed to write this book and I tried and there it was... and nothing happened. There wasn't a publisher who wanted it, nobody really liked it. I must have been wrong. I had these great ideas and I implemented them, but nothing happened, you say. Failure is like that. The Human brain doesn't want to come right out and say, I don't know why I didn't have good communication to Spirit. I got the message, I came back, I tried it and nothing happened.

Oh, how linear of you! Then what did you do with it? This idea, this beauty, this thought, the actions you planned, the things you were shown were yours... what did you do with it once you tried it and you failed? You put it on the shelf and you shut the cupboard door! It's over! Perhaps some of your friends said, You know, a few years ago I remember you tried something. Why don't you try that again? What did you say to them at that point? No, I tried it and it failed. What? Oh, how linear!

Do you understand where I'm going with this? God didn't tell you to do it now. In your bias of time, you decided when, where, and then against all rational quantum thinking, once you tried it, you discarded it! You're not even going to pull it out and do it again, are you? What a single timeline bias you have!

Here is what the quantum thinker does: He gets the message, comes back from the visualization, and celebrates the message. It's a ticket that he's holding in his hand that says there's a train coming. If he looks closely at the ticket, there's no time on it. It doesn't say when, does it? But he still has the ticket. That's enough for a quantum mind! He will celebrate the ticket and then sit back and create the attitude of waiting for synchronicity. That is to say, he will hook into the quantumness of who he is and then look at the synchronicity that occurs so that he can recognize when the train comes.

Do you understand this? Blessed is the Human Being right now, sitting here, who is being aware of what I am saying. There are things lurking in the cupboard that you locked up that are now ready. Now is the time! It's the decision point. Now is when you were always supposed to do it. It didn't work before because it wasn't supposed to work before. Synchronicity wasn't there, energy wasn't there, quantumness was not there, and now it is.»


adaptado de Becoming Quantum, canalização de Lee Carroll, Junho 2009


sábado, 8 de agosto de 2009

A energia nos relacionamentos

Na mensagem do Fio D'Alma deste mês queremos falar da obra de Bert Hellinger, o criador da Terapia Sistémica, cujo instrumento mais conhecido são as Constelações Familiares. O trabalho deste autor, embora possa ser polémico, é dotado de uma relevância e de uma sabedoria profundas.

No seu livro A Simetria Oculta do Amor, Hellinger foca-se na energia de amor que flui em todos os relacionamentos humanos, fluxo este que pode ser oculto ou inconsciente aos nossos olhos, quando o experienciamos envolvidos nos turbilhões que, por vezes, são as nossas vidas.
A obra deste autor desperta-nos o olhar sobre os princípios puramente energéticos que estão por trás de todas as relações humanas, ajudando à sua percepção e compreensão.

Assim, aproveitamos esta mensagem para partilhar convosco algumas ideias que consideramos serem importantes para todos os que ambicionam a felicidade intensa, mas pacífica, nos seus relacionamentos com os outros:

«Os relacionamentos, bem como nossas experiências de culpa e inocência, começam com o dar e o receber. Nós nos sentimos credores quando damos e devedores quando recebemos. O equilíbrio entre o crédito e o débito é a segunda dinâmica fundamental de culpa e inocência nos relacionamentos. Favorece todos os relacionamentos, pois tanto o que dá quanto o que recebe conhecem a paz se o dar e o receber forem iguais.» (p.31)

«O terceiro e mais belo caminho para a inocência no dar e receber é o contentamento que se segue a uma troca total, quando damos e recebemos plenamente. Essa troca é o cerne de todos os relacionamentos: o dador recebe, o recebedor dá. Ambos são doadores e recebedores ao mesmo tempo.» (p.33)

«Para a inocência, não importa apenas o equilíbrio entre o dar e o receber, mas também o seu volume. Um volume pequeno de doações e recebimentos traz pouco proveito; um volume grande torna-nos ricos. O dar e receber em larga escala traz consigo um sentimento de abundância e felicidade. (…) Graças a esse intercâmbio em larga escala, sentimo-nos leves, livres, justos e contentes.» (p.33 e 34)

No entanto, «em certos relacionamentos, a discrepância entre dador e recebedor é insuperável; entre pais e filhos ou entre professores e alunos, por exemplo. Pais e professores são, basicamente, dadores; filhos e alunos, recebedores. (…) os pais já foram filhos, os professores já foram alunos. Eles encontram o equilíbrio entre o dar e o receber quando passam à próxima geração o que ganharam da anterior. Os filhos e os alunos devem fazer o mesmo.» (p.34)

«Expressar gratidão autêntica é outra maneira de as pessoas que dão mais do que recebem alcançarem o equilíbrio entre as duas acções. (…) Pela gratidão, afirmamos não apenas o que damos uns aos outros, mas o que somos uns para os outros.» (p. 35)

«Nenhuma troca significativa ocorre entre parceiros que se recusam a passar por desequilíbrios periódicos. (…) Logo que se alcança o equilíbrio, o relacionamento pode ser completado ou renovado, alimentando-se de novas trocas. (…) Se um recebe sem dar, o outro logo perde o desejo de dar mais. Se um dá sem receber, o outro logo perde o desejo de receber mais. As parcerias também se rompem quando um dá mais do que o outro pode ou quer retribuir. O amor limita o dar segundo a capacidade de receber, assim como limita o receber segundo a capacidade de dar. Isso significa que a necessidade de equilíbrio entre o dar e o receber limita ao mesmo tempo o amor e a parceria. (…) Todavia o amor também governa o equilíbrio. Quando um parceiro faz algo que molesta o outro, a pessoa ferida deve replicar com uma acção que cause dor e dificuldades parecidas a fim de preservar o equilíbrio entre o dar e o receber - mas de um modo que não destrua o amor. Quando a pessoa ferida se sente demasiadamente superior para replicar segundo as exigências do amor, o equilíbrio torna-se impossível e o relacionamento ameaçado. (…) Se o parceiro ferido quiser fazer-se igualmente culpado, devolvendo parte do dano, será possível ao casal retomar o relacionamento.» (p. 36 e 37)

«Se um dos parceiros insiste no monopólio da inocência, não há fim para a culpa do outro e o amor fenece. (…) O amor exige que tenhamos coragem de nos tornarmos convenientemente culpados.» (p. 39)

Se estas ideias nos chocam, se nos deixam a pensar, se nos causam alguma sensação de estranheza ou desconforto, é porque despertam partes da nossa verdade, que tantas vezes permanece oculta aos nossos olhos. Nesse caso, resta-nos aproveitar a oportunidade para nos conhecermos melhor e aplicar esta nova consciência nas nossas relações com os outros. Afinal, este será sempre o principal cenário da nossa aprendizagem.

Recomendamos a todos esta leitura e desejamos um Caminho abundante e pleno!

in Fio D'Alma nº 7, Agosto 2009


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